Friday, January 25, 2008

Food for the Children

Currently the church provides two hot meals on the weekend to ensure that the children receive at least one meal a day. During the weekdays several of the schools provide a meal to the children. This meal could be the only meal they receive that day.

Part of our service was to provide two additional meals. School is currently out so they are not receiving the lunches provided by the school. We provided the food, prepared by the parish, and served by us. Each meal consisted of meat, rice, fruit and fruit juice. Normally meat is not served.

On Tuesday and Thursday, over 200 children received a hot lunch. The way the program works is each child arrives with their own plate, cup and silverwear. They file by one by one. It's very moving to see older children (we mean 8 yr olds) helping their younger siblings (4 yr olds). Words can not explain how gratifying it is to see the smile on their face and to hear a gracis!

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